Our school Day 


Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club sessions run from 8.00am-8.40am and are perfect for those parents/carers who need care for children in the morning before school starts. Sessions cost £2.00. Sessions are booked through Parent Pay. We subsidise our offer for our 'Pupil Premium' children.

The School opens at 8.40am.

The register is taken at 8.45 am . This is when the children do 'early morning work'. This may be changing a reading book, completing marking pointers from the day before, working through spellings or times tables - or any other short task as set by the class teacher. 

Please ensure your child arrives at school promptly.

Collective Worship is held every day at 2:45

Our acts of Collective Worship include: 

Monday: Whole school values assembly

Tuesday: Singing assembly

Wednesday: Class worship

Thursday: Open the Book/ Child Take-over

Friday: Celebration Assembly

Break times

We have 2 x break-times in the morning  as follows:

10.00- 10.10 am & 11.10-11.20 am

Morning Lessons

Phonics/Reading, Writing, Spelling and Grammar and Maths lessons are held in the morning.


12.00 pm for EYFS

12:15pm for KS1 and KS2

Lunchtime finishes at 1.00pm 

Afternoon Lessons

These are a mixture of different lessons - Please see our curriculum area on the website for more information.

School finishes at 3.15pm.

The total school day is 6.5 hours long. This totals 32.5 hours a week.

After-School Club 

Our after school provision is run by Mrs Squires (Teaching Assistant) from Monday-Thursday


A range of after school clubs take place every term, led by school staff or other specialist providers.